Saturday, August 6, 2016

Book of The Great News: Story of Death

" There is a tree under of  God, with the leaves that the amounts is same with all the creatures of  God  in this planet, and when it times for anyone to go, and his age is 40 days left; 
a leafe fall on Angel of Death
If its a green leafe, the name of person on that leafe will unlucky, and
If its a white leafe fall, he will lucky in another dimension of life (a.k.a Life after Death) "

There is a story:

Once upon a time, Angel of Death come visited to King Solomon kingdom, He comes with human body and he look at the young man beside of King, and the young man feels scary and uncomfort,
So, after the Angle of Death goes, the young man ask to King Solomon to using wind for going to China. . . .
For a moment while, the Angel of Death come back to King Solomon, and the King ask to him:
What you see from the young man that time?
And he answer: I has to take him souls that day in China, and i dont understand why him closed next to you, and i am wondering that, until i finish my job in China.


When it baby life for the first time inside of his mother, there is an Angel put some soil from place that he will die.
So, whenever him goes to, and when it time to go, he will going to somewhere that the soil on his body. THAT DESTINY.

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