Sunday, June 1, 2014

How to read Indonesian (bahasa) abjad

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Wonderfull Indonesia
First, if we want to read bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian languange) articles or books we need to know; how to read Indonesian (bahasa) abjad.

A = say it like your scearming "aaaaaa..."
B = say it like you say "Bedroom" without "droom" or like word "bear" without "ar"
C = say it like you say "Cherry" without "rry"
D = say it like you say "Determine" without "termine"
E = say it like you say "Else" without "lse"
F = say it like you say "Effect" without "ect"
G = say it like you say "engagment" without "en" and "gement"
H = say it like you say "Harder" without "rder" or like word "Hannah montana" without "nnah montana"
I = say it like you say "International" without "nternational"
J = say it like you say "Jessica" withour "ssica" or like word "Geraph" without "raph"
K = say it like you say "Card" without "rd"
L = say it like you say "Bell" without "b"
M = say it like you say "I am" without "I" or like "M" in english
N = say it like you say "and" without "d" or like "N" in english
O = say it like you say "Ocean" without "cean"
P = say it like you say "Pastry" without "stry"
Q = say it like you say "Q" in english
R = say it like you say "Adder" without "add"
S = say it like you say "database" without "datab" or like word "Ice" without "I"
T = say it like you say "Tell" without "ll"
U = say it like you say "Urdu" without "rdu"or like word "you" without "y"
V = say it like you say "Verry" without "rry"
W = say it like you say "Welcome" without "lcome"
X = say it like you say "X" in english
Y = say it like you say "Yeahhh!" without "ahhh!"
Z = say it like you say "sad" with adjad S change to Z, sounds like "Zad"

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